Thursday, June 4, 2009


I have painfully endured a full 4 days without NBA basketball in anticipation of this moment. The finals are upon us! (exhale). I absolutely HATE the long break in hoops before the finals because it gives the media ample time to scrape the bottom of the barrel for all the dumbass headlines they can find and over-exaggerate them, forcing us to sit and watch them dwell on topics like LeBron's fear of speaking in front of large crowds that caused him to skip out on the post game press conference, LeBron's weak bladder that forced him to run off the court immediately following game 6, or even Lamar Odom's infatuation with Nutter Butters. (Okay the first two I exaggerated a bit, I'm dead serious about the Lamar Odom thing tho). Well I'mma help them out with one more...

Our homeboy Mikael Pietrus (aka Jay Electronica's stunt double) has decided to discontinue wearing his Nike Hyperdunks (a shoe made specifically for & marketed by Kobe Bryant) for the finals because they are playing against the Lakers...smh. I bet he's one of those people who bought 12 play but refused to listen to it after the child pornography trial too....shame.

In other pre-finals exciting news...LeBron went to the dentist today. LET THE GAMES START ALREADY!!!


Chike said...

Ummm, Lo you should enjoy this as much possible. I was watching ESPN and looking at the guide because I accidentally thought that the game was yesterday. What I saw was just baseball games and highlights with a light sprinkle of tennis and a small chance of golf. You thought those few days between conference finals and the championship series was long. Start thinking about summer. All baseball, all the time. I believe we should all enjoy these games while they are on no matter what team we are going for...oh yeah and me being from where I'm from...Go Orlando! lol

Jay Blair said...

I suppose Mikael "Electronica" Pietrus should go back to the hyperdunks. sorry Chike. WHAT'S GOOD CHIKE!!!!! and I like how you described ESPN like the weather report on the nightly news. lol

reecispieces said...

boo cheeks! GO LAKERS!

p.s. hey jay bee!