Friday, May 22, 2009

Now g'on throw up that Letter "C"

This is the best of both worlds right here. Behold, the Chanel Fiole. It's the first concept car designed primarily to be an accessory to the runway and it's retardedddd! Click the "Read More..." link to check out more pics and a video.

*Note* blogs are not supposed to be able to have split posts. meaning that they set it up so that I CAN'T have a "read more" link leading you to more information on the same blog. Being the genius that I am (and through extensive trial and error), I have figured an HTML hack that allows me to do so. BOW IN THE PRESENCE OF GREATNESS! LoL. ....and when you're finished, click "read more..." I just saved you sooo much time when it comes to scrolling through extra long posts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yayy :) and thanks for posting my future car! haha