Tuesday, May 19, 2009


L.A. had me scared last series against Houston and Denver has been hoopin lately so I'm expecting a good series. Despite the Lakers sloppy play lately, Denver is still clearly the underdog. THE TEAM OWNER DIDN'T EVEN HAVE FAITH IN THEM! If he did, he wouldn't have booked WWE Monday night Raw in the Pepsi Center on the same night as game 4...smh. Clearly he didn't expect the Nuggets to still be around this late in the playoffs. The NBA says they can't reschedule the game and WWE chairman, Vince McMahon is NOT happy.
McMahon said he's not budging. Epic fail on the part of the Nuggets owner...show some faith! Peep the SLAM link for a clip of McMahon's response and him rocking a Kobe jersey. LoL.
Remember when people used to actually care about wrestling? I propose David Stern and McMahon have a cage match to decide who gets the arena that night...I'd watch.

Peep Game 1 tonight on ESPN at 9:00pm est...Who you got? Lakers or Nuggets?

via SLAM
*note*Any and all bets throughout the playoffs should be placed to either Jason or Justin Harlow as soon as possible. (Holla at me twins...u know who i got!)

Update: Monday night raw has now been moved to the Staples Center in LA...nice. Unfortunately this means there will be no cage match.

1 comment:

JHarlow said...

Good looks on getting me some business. yea, wrestling is a 20th century thing. But LO, i know you a chi-town man, but you gotta put some Mike Vick updates. I know yall got Cutler to replace Grossman, but my boy Vick is coming back with that same rocket arm soon. Watch the Vikings scoop em when Favre stops trying to return.

Anyway, for those placing bets, I got $100 on the pitbulls in Surrey County, Va. #7 getting street cred