Friday, July 24, 2009

Take Notes. . .

Happy Friday people! I "stumbled" upon this website the other day and since the weekend is just starting, it's a perfect time to make sure everyone's having fun. Everyone should take time to assess whether or not they're having fun in life and why. I advise you watch the video 'cuz there's a lot of great quotes and ideas in there. But, if you don't have the time, or just wanna read along, I took the liberty of writing the basic points for you to see after the jump.


The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun:

Get Focused

1. Stop hiding who you really are.

2. Start being intensely selfish.

Be Creative

3. Stop following the rules.

4. Start scaring yourself.

Use Your Wisdom

5. Stop taking it all so damn seriously.

6. Start getting rid of the crap.

Take Action

7. Stop being busy.

8. Start something.

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