Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aubrey Grahm and the No Good, Very Bad Day :-(

Our story begins just over a month ago when young Aubrey tore his ACL doing something that he gets paid $0 dollars to do on the set of his debut video, a video which he later ended up apologizing for. But, the young trooper was too resilient to let that stop his path to glory. He was up on stage the very next week, torn ACL and all, to perform at the BET Awards. . . a performance which he would also end up apologizing for. However, our story doesn't end there. Our main character, in obvious search of redemption, chose to ignore his extremely severe injury and signed on to do a full tour with a team of super heroes known as Young Money and an emphysemic rapper named Jay.

Well folks, I'd like to tell you he was able to escape the hands of fate but... yet again, our young, apologetic friend lost rather convincingly in a fight with gravity and had to be carried off stage. Adding insult to injury, after he was carried away, his mentor, Master Splinter Lil' Wayne made fun of him causing all the kids on the playground to laugh at his misfortune. Anyone else think it's beyond ironic that he played a kid in a wheelchair on TV for years before breaking into the music game only to be immediately reduced right back to being a kid in a wheelchair? Poor Aubrey :-( .

However, to cheer up our dear friend, I have compiled a montage of other entertainers and their unsuccessful battles with gravity on stage after the jump. And if that doesn't work, he can always count the zero's on that advance check again. . . enjoy.

Get Well Soon Jimmy Drake


Jas said...

Another video to ease the pain -

reecispieces said...

LOL! i remember that one. kelly was lookin like "i know this trick didnt just fall"

Lo Wayne said...

haha, thanks for the youtube link Jas. I wanted to use that one, but the link i found took a long ass time to load.

HeyHeyItsPey said...

The Destiny's Child one has been my favorite for a while...Beyonce doesn't even blink!!!

HeyHeyItsPey said...

Scratch that My new favorite is the one of The Game falling because of the dialogue:

Game: Everybody throw your hands up. We just gon' act like I never fell.
Obvious White Man: Noooo we're not! THAT'S ON YOUTUBE!