Thursday, June 4, 2009

I did it myyyyy way.

I put up a new 12 on the playlist. I like it a lot. For those of you who don't check the playlist out regularly, I encourage you to do so. The songs are a lil' darker this time around, but that's kinda where I'm at right now so it goes. If you wanna know how I'm feeling at the moment, chances are the songs on the playlist at any given time embody that. More importantly though, it's good music.

I try not to write TOO much on here or be too personal b/c, for me, the stuff I post is a better (and more entertaining) way for you to see me than excessive typing. Plus (for the most part), this isn't a therapy sess's a blog. Just know that I've created/posted everything on this website and there was thought put behind each part. My goal is to be the most expressive with the least amount of words; an efficient assassin. I don't wanna post stuff on here if I don't think it has any room for some form of enlightenment or if it doesn't embody something I stand for.

My bad for that serious ass post

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