Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flyer than the rest of 'em

Gentleman's Quarterly shows Mr. Never-Wear-The-Same-Thang some love in their June issue (w/ Christian Bale on the cover). If you're not already up on Wale, cop his mixtape "The Mixtape About Nothing" and get familiar. This is a good look for him in GQ. I just saw him in concert and this man has DC/Maryland/VA on his back forreal. Word to Highrise, J. Wright, and anybody else repping Maryland. Click here to read the full article.


  1. Wale is that Nigga. If you haven't heard Hate is the New should check that out too. I don't think it's as good as The Mixtape About Nothing...but it's pretty nice still.

  2. AAND he's Nigerian - woop
