Thursday, January 28, 2010

Closed for Repackaging

Packaging light is no easy task. But then again, neither are most things worth pursuing. Which is why I've decided to take the necessary time to re-wrap your gift as neatly as possible. And by neat, I don't mean Catholic school all-shirts-must-be-tucked-in neat. I mean forks-on-the-left spoons-on-the-right BECAUSE I SAID SO neat. I'm focused on doing things the right way (read "my" way) and right now, that means it's time for renovations.

For all of us intent on evolving, there comes a point where the present form of progress is no longer efficient... gotta re-up. I'm sure you've noticed the lack of posting recently. Well, get used to it for now. Silence is golden. It's also rather frightening when you're not on the inside. But just know that it's not in vain. Work is in progress, and when it's time... you'll understand exactly why.

For now though, just sit back and learn to navigate through the darkness until I flip the switch again.

Trust that the courier font is not a mistake...

Let There Be Light...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Billi?

True visionaries are few and far between, but this man has taken an already record breaking film to an entirely new level. I applaud the work and ingenuity it takes to put together a project like this. Most would take this profession for granted or approach it half-heartedly, but yet again we have proof that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well... clap for him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Hilarity: When fist pumping goes wrong.

After one too many shots, Mr. Ferro mistook Snooki for "The Beat" a proceed to... well... yea.

[Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video are not necessarily shared by However, there's humor in everything. So for comedy's sake, we're just going to focus on that.]

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Russell... FTW!

If you haven't seen "Up" already... check it out. Great movie.

Friday, January 1, 2010

'09 was cool and all but...

If you are reading this, congrats! You made it another year. Now allow the sounds of Jigga and Swizz to usher in a new era and enlighten all the robots as to what they should and shouldn't be doing/wearing this decade. As for the rest of you, just enjoy the art and hopefully it will inspire you to give even less of a f*** about public opinion as you did in 2009.
